Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Topic of confusion..

Let it be known, that I have hereby personally taken it upon myself to memorize, and thereafter recite pi, to 100,000 decimal places!

.. is what that Japanese guy said to himself before he set out to do just that last year.
Can you believe that? A 60 year old man, (Akira Haraguchi) memorised 100,000 digits. This isn't your mate's cellphone, or the address of your nana. This guy is playing with the big dogs here.

Myself? I can barely remember how old I am sometimes. (Ok, my memory isn't that bad.. but still..)
Every year, when the clock strikes 12am on March 28th, I get kinda excited. I still enjoy birthdays, and usually I'm with my family (though this year and the last I've been abroad).
Though like many people out there, I believe you're only as old as you feel, and truth be told I don't know how old that is.. Sometimes I feel like I'm 18 still, other times, I feel like I'm much older than that. Probably the same with everyone I guess.
I am, however, for some strange reason waiting for my 24th. I've never known why, but 24 has always been my favourite age, and I'm excited about that one.

For now though, I'm 23, and contrary to the reaction I had to certain thrillers starring Jim Carrey, I'm going to enjoy it like I always do.
Thanks to everyone that sent me a message, I'll post again soon!

Jimzip :D

2 thoughts are now mine:

lissy said...

i know i sent u an email already but i just couldnt resist!!!
How awesome would it be if you were actually 18! We'd be the same age! And... wait, that would kinda suck actually because then you'd be underage for all of the fun canadian drink related venues! And who would want to miss out on them! (nobody that's who!) So i guess it's pretty cool that your 23 after all!
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Cant wait till we come over and u can sneak me into those previously mentioned places!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! once again, hope u had a great day,
lots of love,

Savann said...


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