Usually my rants and raves have something to do with humans being stupid, or something to do with squirrels and marzapan, but not tonight.
If anyone is watching channel 10 at the precise moment that I'm writing this, you'll no doubt not be reading this, but you will have just seen an advert that says, (in typical network hype) "Veronica Mars, coming soon"..
This is just darn cool.. Though they are putting it on in the no-ratings season, they have obviously realised how much advertising they aren't violently shoving down the throats of the public, because of how many people are now downloading this series. And they should soon realise that the series has too much pizzaz, and way too much zork to be shunted into Summertime squat-ratings land. (I've been using Zork way too often lately..)
Anyway, if you haven't already downloaded the series, or been to a friend's place to watch it (kudos to Luke), then I suggest you don't download it and wait for it to air, and for god's sake watch it. Heck, I may know who killed Lily Kane by then, but I'll still watch it again anyway!
Please also note that contrary to popular belief, (
thank you Channel 10) Paris Hilton does not play a large role in this series whatsoever. Like so many things recently it seems, she is in and out in 30 mins (BAM!), and doesn't appear for the rest of the series. I just thought I'd add that, as I saw another advertisement for the series launch in which it seems she is the star of the show, rather than Kirsten Bell who actually plays Veronica..
I now believe that buying the DVD's of the series (hello eBay) which, as pointed out in the comments on this post, supports the makers. Well.. the studios anyway, and will be more beneficial to the viewer than watching it on the aforementioned network, where you will likely miss key plot points thanks to that lax/slipshod programming that 'has' to shove that commercial break in, usually at at a really inopportune time, remniscent of so many lost punchlines in The Simpsons.. (Download an episode or two to see if you like it first, of course..)
That is all..
Jimzip :D