Evidently my new home is supposed to be pretty epic, if the name is anything to go by.
I'm not even sure it registered when I first came to look at the apartment - that the name of the street was the same as the fabled hall of heroes … ok I'm lying, I saw it the second I stepped off the subway and I thought it was pretty awesome!
Yep, this time my new home is on 'Valhallavägen' (translated it becomes, literally, 'Valhalla Way'). The building itself is a wonderful old-timer in Karlaplan, a relatively well-to-do part of Stockholm (despite this the room is in fact very cheap, a stroke of pure luck which I'll get to later), and I've wasted no time making it a comfortable little safehaven away from the freezing drifts that have been attacking the city of late. Indeed, as I write this, snowflakes the size of your thumbnail are floating past the window, and we all know what happens in Stockholm when it snows … the same thing that happens in every other city. The snow has to be cleared. Things slow down. I sigh in defeat because the hairstyle I've been working on for the last fifteen minutes now has to be hidden under a beanie. The usual.
Either way, I won't update you on the last couple of weeks in this entry, I'll do that later. This is just a little message from Jim saying 'Hej!' to everyone out there, from here in Karlaplan, Stockholm.