Monday, October 12, 2009

... And The Winner Is ...

Well, 10 days, 10 entries, once again, fantastic-bloody odds really!

So! Who takes home (or rather, who gets sent to their home, lazy buggers!) an iPod nano?

Well first let's see who won this year's 2nd place prize, oh my yes! This year we introduced a runner-up prize pack. This is a mystery prize back that is (as advertised) guaranteed not to include the new Jonas Brothers album.

So! The winner of the mystery prize pack, and happy in the knowledge that the Jonas Brothers' newest tunes are not to be heard in their living room, is none other than: Luke D!

But don't tune out just yet! There was a first name drawn. This name holds the key to unlocking the locked lock of the unanswered and rather mystifying 'who wins the iPod Nano' question that was just asked!

And the answer is, the one and only: Rob!

That's all she wrote! Congrats to the two winners, and thanks so much to all those who joined in, I apologise on Lady Luck's behalf for those of you that didn't win, but remember, there's always next Rocktober.

Some interesting facts for you: On the day of the competition launch, over 80 visitors read the competition post. The next day, there were 40, and just over 20 visited the day afterward. Of all those visitors, only 10 entered the competition. This I find interesting, because it means to me that a) there are some serious lurkers on my blog, b) that (with the exception of 2 new commenters) everyone that entered is a (semi) regular here, and c) that it takes a lot to get people to comment in any case!

I dunno about you, but I'm heading off to have a sunshine-boogie-party and enjoy my wunderbra.

Still sounds creepy!

Peace all.


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Make Your Own Kind of Music ... Videos

Howdy all!

Did you follow a link of nonsensical words to get here? If so, please allow me to explain!

See, it's that time again! The time when I'm feeling just so gosh-darned happy that a fiery meteor hasn't plummeted to Earth and killed us all that I want to celebrate - and what better way to celebrate the continuation of life as we know it than by giving away a shiny new iPod nano!

Indeed, I just happen to have one of the brand-spankin' new 8GB models and I'm waiting to send it off to one of my lovely readers as a colourful thanks (or perhaps an early Christmas present for someone special?? I know not!).

The new nanos were released just over 3 weeks ago, and have been updated with beautiful (and colourful) polished anodized aluminium cases, gorgeous 2.2 inch TFT displays, and most importantly, they now come with a built-in video camera! Yes, video recording on an iPod! ('Sweet!' I hear you yell! 'Mais oui!' I enthusiastically reply!)

And all this can be yours (where's my sassy showgirl when I need her?) by doing one simple task to prove yourself to the music gods....

To enter this contest:

1) Choose two (2) 'words' from the following list (hyphenated words count as 1 word, and exclamation marks must be included!):

archontophoenix • tubular • pleated • PERSIAN-RUG-SALE! • bamboozlement • madcap • scrumpdiddlyumptummyliciously • princely • rock-it-fo-shizzle • wunderbra • johnny-come-lately • toga-party • unscrupulously • strumpet • sashy-lashy • mango-sensation! • surreptitious • sunshine-boogie-party • troglodyte or penny-farthing.

2) Log in to twitter or facebook, and make a tweet (or status update) that includes the two (2) words you picked used in a sentence, followed by this link: .

3) Finally, post that same message on this blog, in the comment section of any post from now until contest close.

Please note! Your post must include the sentence and the link to qualify. Make sure to post the message to this blog using either an Open-ID or Blogger account, or at the least, with a name and URL - otherwise I don't know who to send the iPod to should you win! Anonymous posts will not be entered into the running.

Those rules again!
1) Pick 2 words.
2) Make a tweet or status update using the words in a sentence, followed by the link:
3) Post the same message here on making sure to sign-in with an identity.

The contest (if you can indeed call it that) will close on Fri the 9th of October at 11:59pm PST. A name will then be drawn from a hat, and that name henceforth shall recieve said iPod nano. The runner up (yes, we're adding 2nd place this year) will be drawn after the winner, and will recieve a wonderous, 'mystery prize pack', guaranteed not-to-include the new Jonas Brothers album! Oh, happy day!

(Oh it might be good to note that multiple entries do not give you a better chance at winning, but we can all share a good laugh at your posts anyway if you wish to share more than one).

Simple, really!

I really do wish you all the best of luck, and let the mayhem begin!


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