Usually my rants and raves have something to do with humans being stupid, or something to do with squirrels and marzapan, but not tonight.
If anyone is watching channel 10 at the precise moment that I'm writing this, you'll no doubt not be reading this, but you will have just seen an advert that says, (in typical network hype) "Veronica Mars, coming soon"..
This is just darn cool.. Though they are putting it on in the no-ratings season, they have obviously realised how much advertising they aren't violently shoving down the throats of the public, because of how many people are now downloading this series. And they should soon realise that the series has too much pizzaz, and way too much zork to be shunted into Summertime squat-ratings land. (I've been using Zork way too often lately..)
Anyway, if you haven't already downloaded the series, or been to a friend's place to watch it (kudos to Luke), then I suggest you don't download it and wait for it to air, and for god's sake watch it. Heck, I may know who killed Lily Kane by then, but I'll still watch it again anyway!
Please also note that contrary to popular belief, (thank you Channel 10) Paris Hilton does not play a large role in this series whatsoever. Like so many things recently it seems, she is in and out in 30 mins (BAM!), and doesn't appear for the rest of the series. I just thought I'd add that, as I saw another advertisement for the series launch in which it seems she is the star of the show, rather than Kirsten Bell who actually plays Veronica..
I now believe that buying the DVD's of the series (hello eBay) which, as pointed out in the comments on this post, supports the makers. Well.. the studios anyway, and will be more beneficial to the viewer than watching it on the aforementioned network, where you will likely miss key plot points thanks to that lax/slipshod programming that 'has' to shove that commercial break in, usually at at a really inopportune time, remniscent of so many lost punchlines in The Simpsons.. (Download an episode or two to see if you like it first, of course..)
That is all..
Jimzip :D
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
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9 thoughts are now mine:
I'm tempted to not watch it now...
Just to spite you :D
as long as you don't spoil the ending for us.
I'll see if i can get my hands on it.
meh! season 1 of veronica mars is crap...
mainly because season 1 which will no dout be butched by channel 10 and after three weeks given a 2am timeslot
secondly because season 2 of v. mars is so brilliant and well scripted that it makes season one look like a blooper!
i have to say, the flash backs of lilly kane annoyed the hell out of me. mainly cause Kristen Bell is actually 24 years old and through flash backs u can tell she isnt 15 years old.
and the whole mx / ch 10 advertising it stars Alyson Hannigan just annoyed me. she was only in 3 episodes and half way through the season.
anywho... been a fan of this show from the start (im one of the abbit fan trying to spread the mars love around)! so in my opinion. DONT and i mean DONT get anyone to watch V Mars on the 10 network. seriously, it would spoil the show. instead we need to start spending off the divx copies to everyone. and then buy the dvds once they come out in australia. we need to support the show yes, but we must stop watching commercial networks and stop them contoling us and start controlling them.
i mean for glory sake, look what channel 7 did to tru calling. the show is fantastic. yes it did take 13 episodes to actually become interesting... and yes fox did kill the show after a season and a bit... but never less - the whole tru / jason story ack was one of the most intersting stories on tv for the past few years that was different and not some damn cop show!
Thank you for this long rant james.
Long live v. mars!
Argh, i give up!!. One say you have to download the series, the next say watch the show when it airs...
Sevy: Meh!
Savann: Yeah, I tend to agree with Laurence, the commercial networks over here do butcher everything they come into contact with...
Laurence: I tend to agree with you..
Heheh. Well that's over with. Oh and don't worry, I hate it when people give away the ending, so there's no chance in a flaming hellstorm that I'm going to say anything.
Go, my pretties.. Download.. Download away..
Jimzip :D
ook ah ah ah!ogga ogaha.
Hey i've seen channel 10 networks advertise Veronica Mars on tele, and it looks like it will be another dawson's creek. I think James, i will watch the show on tv, since it'll take me a while to download those eps even with my cable broadband.
Good god Savann never compare anything to Dawson's Creek!! Haha. Seriously, Veronica isn't that awful.
Jimzip :D
isn't that awful? haha.
As long as there are all those nice smoochies. :D isn't that right james? :D
Just buy the DVDs! No ads and you help support the show so it doesn't get axed.
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