UPDATE: This Emerald Crucible
Tues, OCT 10, 2023 - 11:46
I first toyed with the idea for This Emerald Crucible back in the summer of 2018 while travelling through Cambodia, for few things can charge up your inspirational battery like a visit to the enigmatic temples of Ankor. Like silent sentinels from a forgotten
age, the structures that await the visitor in those steaming jungles are utterly remarkable and if you've been lucky enough to visit, you'll understand immediately why I felt my creativity sparking up.
No matter
how much research you do before a trip, actually being there is always different and in the case of Cambodia, it surpassed what I'd imagined. Standing on the causeway gazing at the hulking, graceful monuments, my imagination couldn't help
zipping off to wrestle with questions about their purpose and design, and what kind of minds lay behind their construction.
But it was while sitting at my hotel in Siem Reap watching one of the most ferocious downpours I'd
ever experienced that I began jotting notes for what I tentatively named 'Deeds, Mouldering in Shadow,' a new story about a young man charged with saving the last seedlings of an exotic fruiting plant. At that point, I was already well
into the first draft of The Torril City Mysterion - "A Pinch of Peril", and I began toying with the idea of intertwining this story into Torril's world, Aliru, which I had already come to love so much.
Well, it's five years
later and I think it's finally time to announce a couple of things. Firstly, the first draft of This Emerald Crucible is almost done. It's currently enjoying a round of proofreading with some of my eagle-eyed and wonderful friends before
it zips off to the editing desk. I think it's shaped up very nicely and I'm excited to have reached this point, once again.
The second thing to announce is that I lied to you all, because This Emerald Crucible will not be "a
one-shot novel set in the world of Aliru", as my homepage claims. At this point, it will almost certainly be two books – the reason being that once I threw myself into the story and became familiar with these new characters, I felt their
story needed to play out properly.
If you're a fantasy fan like myself, then this news is probably welcome because there's nothing like sinking your teeth into a great big tome. As long as it's a good one. And that's what I'm
hoping This Emerald Crucible is. I really hope when it finally drops, you'll enjoy it as much as I do.
Jim :)
A Quick-Take on AI
Sat, APR 22, 2023 - 23:04
I'm an optimist but I have to admit, things are pretty crazy right now.
As a writer, graphic designer, and content-creator who’s with two decades in these professions, I’m witnessing a revolution because in the last two years
alone, all of these professions have come directly into the firing line, each at high risk of being ‘destroyed’ by new AI technologies.
At least, that’s what a lot of alarm-bell smacking journalists and furious artists would
have you believe.
Honestly, things are moving so fast that nobody really has a clue what’s coming, so with the introduction of services like ChatGPT, Midjourney, and various new, AI-driven video editing apps (many of which
are still emerging), some would have us believe that entire industries are about to become obsolete.
But I see things differently. I don’t believe this is the end of human endeavour (unless we’re about to experience an AI-driven
apocalypse — totes possible) and I’d like to explain why.
If you’re a nerd like myself, then you’ve no doubt played around with some (or all!) of these new image-generation technologies and, honestly? They’re more than just
impressive. They’re magic. I mean, what’s more incredible than coming up with an idea and seeing it appear before your eyes? Never before in human history have we had the ability to watch an idea take shape so quickly and visually. This
development is huge.
Text-based AIs like Open AI’s ‘ChatGPT’, or Google’s ‘Bard’ are also amazing, even now in their early stages. And they’re only going to get better.
So of course I see the risk; that a client
who asks for an illustrated novel cover will head for AI generated art, far more polished than anything I could come up with in the same time. And for far less money. I can also imagine that people won’t buy my books, in favour of something
an AI wrote, which may be both more profound and coherent (and probably also cheaper, too!).
Totally fair. I get it, and I don’t blame people for choosing AI over me if it saves them money and time.
However, there’s
something missing from AI generated content that machines will never be able to replicate, and as corny as it sounds, it’s the human-factor.
The reason I go to comedy stand-up shows, for example, is not to hear jokes. I go
to see personalities telling those jokes. People whose delivery and style I enjoy. Sure, an AI will be able to duplicate these things, one day, and maybe an android Bill Bailey will dance across the stage and reel off his set with perfect
timing and endless energy.
But I still won’t be watching Bill Bailey, and to me (and plenty of other people), that’s the only reason I’m there.
This applies to almost all types of human activity. I don’t just go
to a cafe because I like their coffee and menu items, but because I like the interactions with the staff. I want to support a cafe owner or local bookshop because it’s a human endeavour, and as another human, I empathise with their dreams
and goals.
I hope the same applies to my own work. I hope that when people read my books, they’ll enjoy them not just for the content, but because they also empathise with a human who has put a great deal of work into creating
them for other people’s enjoyment. And that they’ll also appreciate the ideas and dreams that that person has tried to express.
Now, that’s not to say that general AI, when it eventually arrives, won’t have similar dreams and
goals. It probably will, and we’ll probably end up enjoying content created by AI personas like we do human personas. The point to consider here is that AI won’t eclipse the experience, but add to it. We won’t give up on watching human
stand-up comedians, we’ll just watch them
AI comedians.
As for my work as a designer, I am already using midjourney to inspire myself. It’s great at generating colour palettes, and its compositions can be used as
guides for my own work. The thing is, I don’t use it to replace the work I do, but augment my process, because personally, I love the challenge and satisfaction of creation. Again, it’s not eclipsing me, but functioning
There is one thing I’ll state right now, however: I do not ever intend to use AI to generate written material. I love and always want to create characters, ideas, problems, and solutions myself. So, if you read one of my
books or stories, you can be sure it’s me that’s written it.
Otherwise, though, what I believe AI offers is an endless stream of inspiration to tap into. An endless variety of ways to visualise an idea or overcome a block,
or to nudge me onto an alternate, creative path. I have no interest in giving up design or writing or creating fun videos, because I love all of these activities. I want to continue to learn, and improve, and share what I’ve achieved,
and it seems to me these are universal, human desires.
I hope that people realise that AI doesn’t have to take that away, but rather lessen our reliance on human labour for mundane tasks, and open fuller, more varied experiences
to more people. I also hope it doesn't decide to wipe us out. But hey, it's a big universe, and why go to the trouble of squashing all the ants when you've got endless possibilities to explore?
With no way to tell what's coming,
all we can do is wait and honestly, rather than worrying myself sick, I'd rather play the optimist.
A Wardrobe-Change is in Order
Wed, APR 05, 2023 - 12:13
Whatup, fantasy fiends?
Once upon a time, in a past life (see, from uni until my 30s!) I was a graphic designer. So, when the chance came up to try my hand at the cover for my self-published book, "The Torril City Mysterion",
I dove in with gusto!
This was a fun and rewarding process that allowed me to bring my vision to life. But as we all know, there's always room for improvement. Plus, a good book cover design is more than just an aesthetically
pleasing image; it's a visual representation of the story that can speak to readers and make them want to pick up that sucker. A good design can capture the essence of the telling, set the mood, and pique the reader's interest.
Thus, while I have fond memories of the original cover, I’m excited to announce that Torril City is getting a little update.
Take a gander. I feel this new cover captures the characters more accurately while giving the book
a fresh new feel, and I hope you’ll agree!
Yep, the same great story, with a fresh, new look™.
This cover will be going live at some point this year, so keep an eye out!
I hope you're feeling funky and fabulous, wherever you are.
Magic and Meaning
Tues, JAN 17, 2023 - 08:48
As a fantasy author, I believe there's a unique power in this genre. It can inspire and uplift like no other, giving us a chance to rekindle a little childlike fascination, hope, and magic. Nowadays, we could all use a little more of that.
We're all exposed to various dramas every day, whether political, environmental, social or familial, and it's easy to feel overwhelmed and helpless in the face of these problems. Just take Covid-19. After that saga and the many
difficulties and uncertainties it brought to us all, I personally found myself taking solace in some good old fashioned escapism. In tales which present other possibilities and ideas.
And it seems I wasn’t alone.
The recent, meteoric surge in popularity of the Marvel cinematic universe, Game of Thrones (and similar shows), and Brandon Sanderson's epic tomes are just a few examples proving people’s hunger for stories in this incredible genre. People
are craving other worlds, adventures and magical creatures, not to mention incredible, one-of-a-kind personalities to delight and excite.
As an author, I naturally keep an eye on the industry. I revel in watching other creators
capture the imagination of their audiences, and it’s been truly inspiring to watch the metamorphosis of media over the last decade. Creativity and quality are at an all-time high, so whether you're a longtime fan of the genre or just starting
to explore it, I hope you find just as much joy in the magnificent array of stories we have now access to.
I'm so grateful to be part of this community of dreamers.
Torril, A Year On…
Thurs, SEP 29, 2022 - 10:29
Howdy, fantasy fiends!
Believe it or not, today marks the one year anniversary of the release of The Torril City Mysterion, and I can’t believe how time has flown by.
I still remember a time when I battled inwardly
with self-publishing. After all, I’d heard horror stories, listened to publishers and big publishing houses alike condemn ‘indie’ authors. At one time, I even got into the querying game, spending months researching agents, crafting letters,
logging everything in spreadsheets, and eating the inevitable rejections — and it was all to avoid the ‘shame’ of remaining unsigned
Well, it’s a year on, and here’s what I now know about self-publishing: It
is the ultimate freedom for authors.
Sure, the journey has been a bit of a rollercoaster. There have been difficulties and heartbreaks at times, and when I published Torril City in Sep, 2021, many years’ worth of worry and
doubt were sitting on my shoulders. But I’d spent the time learning the craft. I’d done the hard work, and been through the journey from drafts to re-writes to edits. And most importantly, I’d written the story I had always wanted to read.
The support that I received from readers, friends, and family, therefore, told me at once that it had all paid off. Plus, connecting with readers all over the world, and hearing their thoughts on my work — to know that my words
have touched so many people — is something I feel incredibly fortunate to have experienced.
So, to my readers out there, near and far, young and old; you are everything. Thank you for not forgetting about us indie writers and
here's to many more adventures together!